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biomass machinery News - Editorial Review Guidelines

All biomass machinery News ( articles, news and features are written/selected by our team of writers and researchers. All the content published on our news site is checked by sub editors and editors, before being approved.

biomass machinery news reports are evaluated along the following criteria:
1. Factual, Accuracy and Sourcing
2. Spelling and Grammar (British English)
3. Language Sophistication and Fluency
4. Copyright Compliance
5. Non-Commercial Content
6. Non-Offensive Content
7. Non-Pornographic Content
8. Transparency of Affiliations and Disclosures
9. Timeliness

At biomass machinery our editors and writers ensure that all content published on biomass machinery News is factual and accurate. Any needed updates, improvements or corrections to the content of biomass machinery News is completed by our editorial staff in a prompt manner.

Further details of our editorial guidelines can be read below:

A. Role of editors
The role of editors is to ensure that only accurate, reliable and properly formatted news is published at biomass machinery News.
biomass machinery News has a team of editors that look through every article submitted to check for grammar, language, factual inaccuracies.
A head editor approves each submission before an article, video or photo is published on the website. If the article is plagiarized, inappropriately offensive, or commercial it is removed.
Grammar and Language. Written English articles follow British English spelling and grammar.
Fact Checking ranges from article to article, but generally spelling of names of public figures, numbers, and events referenced to are fact checked by the editors through online search and verification.
Amending articles. Once published, contributors are allowed to edit their stories with clear documentation (ex: UPDATE: ) to add supporting information or updates.

B. Role of commentators
All news stories on biomass machinery News have commenting enables, and we encourage the feedback and additional insights to stories, images, and videos from commentators. However, we will delete comments that are inappropriate and unconstructive to the debate or developing story. This includes hate mail, offensive language, racist comments, advertisement, or comments that are clearly irrelevant.
All comments are screened by editors before they are approved and published with a story.
We encourage readers to comment with information they have that provide another angle to the story, know facts that add to the article, or notice a possible factual inaccuracy.

C. Sourcing and Attribution
Information in written articles is accurately sourced or linked. References to other articles include the date and publication article, or it is linked to.
Sources are identified by relevance to the article or video (what position they hold, if they are affected by the issue discussed, if they were a witness to an event, etc.)

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